NT was up early to watch PBS's Cyberchase on linear measurement. Afterward, he watched an IMAX DVD on Shark Island and a Nature DVD on sharks.
Lizzy asked me to bring the big cardboard blocks up so they could build their own coral reef which didn't last long because NT was back into reading his fish book to figure out what he wants to do now that he's not sure he wants to keep the other blue gourami after the tragedy. He is also very intent on getting a loach, so he's trying to read up to figure out which kind will be suitable for his tank. In the process of his research he came across the term "import", so we talked about what it means to "import" or "export" something.
The kids played Go Fish again. I'm not sure how much Lizzy "gets it", but they seem to enjoy playing it anyway and she is easily identifying the numbers.
We spent the entire afternoon with homeschool friends at the zoo and had a great time getting lots of exercise and learning lots of new things about the many aquatic fish and animals they have there!
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Field Trips,
Life Skills,
Physical Activity,